Digital Transformation

How can digital transformation succeed and what role do corporate culture and organisational structure play in this? viadoo's founder Dominik Faust provides answers in this 4 page interview.

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»Any digital transformation is more than just binary coding«

Key messages of the interview:

  • Digital transformation usually triggers emotions. This results in a drop in performance and in over two-thirds of cases, the entire project fails.

  • Digitalisation means more internal communication, more interdisciplinary collaboration and more cross-departmental cooperation.

  • Therefore, every digital transformation requires managers to involve their team members in decisions rather than simply presenting them.

  • We therefore recommend the extended toolkit of change management instead of just project management tools.

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»CEOs who want to win employees for a digital transformation must pay attention to their reactions and keep modifying or even revising their plans.«

Dr. Dominik Faust, viadoo Founder